1 minutos de lectura 14 oct. 2019
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Why finding the right talent and technology at speed is driving M&A

1 minutos de lectura 14 oct. 2019

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  • Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Edition 21 (pdf)

The battle for digitally savvy talent is a big growth challenge. Is your talent strategy fit for the future?

According to the EY Global Capital Confidence Barometer, 61% of respondents have difficulties securing the right talent.

The much-mooted threat to jobs from technology is not playing out as many had predicted. Indeed, as more jobs are automated in routine tasks, companies are finding it more difficult to attract and retain talent with the right technical and digital skills to benefit from these efficiencies.

Tight labor markets are adding more pressure to talent strategy

Many are reskilling their existing workforce to better respond to technology changes as a result. A move to a culture of lifelong learning at companies may also help respond to these challenges as they morph in the future. But this can be a difficult transformation, and contingent workers may be needed to accelerate the process.


The EY Global Capital Confidence Barometer (pdf) gauges corporate confidence in the economic outlook and identifies boardroom trends and practices in the way companies manage their Capital Agendas.

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