When we embrace change as an opportunity, we set tone from the top for our people, and foster the kind of innovation that can enable us to grow.

Ryan Beck

EY Canada Managing Partner, Consumer

Experienced senior executive bringing positivity, passion, action and caring to clients as he helps them become the best in their industries.

Ryan is an experienced senior executive leading EY's Consumer and Retail sector and the Digital Supply Chain & Operations Practice in Canada. He brings his unique level of positivity, passion, action and caring to clients and helps them become the best in their industries.

Leveraging his multi-dimensional background spanning Operations, Sales & Marketing, Technology, and Procurement, Ryan is focused on effecting fundamental change from operational transformation to driving enterprise growth and resilience.

A leader in helping organization prepare for and capitalize on market disruptions, Ryan challenges executives to ask themselves, “What will my value proposition be in a digital future?”. Emerging digital technologies are disrupting all industries by attracting new entrants and competitors who operate under different rules and deploy new technologies more rapidly and skillfully. This is increasing the pressure on enterprise capabilities in traditional companies and requires a fundamental rethink of the concepts of leadership, strategic design, and operational execution.

How Ryan is building a better working world

“A better working world means addressing big, complex industry issues and opportunities to deliver outcomes that help grow, optimize and protect businesses.”

Ryan's latest thinking

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