Italian Government approves 2023 Budget draft document and proposes further suspension of Sugar Tax and Plastic Tax for 2023

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EY Global

28 Nov 2022
Subject Tax Alert
Categories Indirect Tax
Jurisdictions Italy

According to the last press release issued by the Italian Government on 22 November 2022, Italy’s Sugar Tax and Plastic Tax will be suspended for another year. Consequently, the effective date of entry into force will be postponed from 1 January 2023 to 1 January 2024. However, notwithstanding rumors, no official reference has been made to the cancellation of these taxes.

The Budget draft document will now be submitted to the Italian Parliament and the European Commission. Thus, it is expected that such suspension will be introduced in the official text of the 2023 Budget Law, which then has to be approved by the Italian Parliament in December 2022 and published in the Official Gazette for enactment.


For additional information with respect to this Alert, please contact the following:

Studio Legale Tributario, Rome
  • Nicoletta Mazzitelli
  • Alessandra Di Salvo
  • Emma Greco
  • Serena Paone
  • Giovanna Martucci
Studio Legale Tributario, Milan
  • Anselmo Martellotta
  • Stefano Pavesi
  • Marco Cantisani
  • Marion Dorré
  • Paolo Cilibrizzi
  • Davide Laruffa
Studio Legale Tributario, Treviso
  • Fabio Babolin
Studio Legale Tributario, Turin
  • Anna Paola Deiana

For a full listing of contacts and email addresses, please click on the Tax News Update: Global Edition (GTNU) version of this Alert.