2 minute read 6 Sep 2019

Analytics-driven organisations invest in people as well as technology

By Eoin O'Reilly

EY Ireland Partner, Head of AI & Data

Passionate about innovation, data and AI.

2 minute read 6 Sep 2019

Learn why the human element is just as critical as technology and data, in realising true value from analytics.

Whether used to drive revenue, reduce cost or manage risk, a key challenge in the adoption of analytics and emerging technologies is the ‘human’ element.

Many organisations still use analytics in isolation to address specific business issues and are therefore limiting its potential to drive transformation across the entire enterprise. 

The true value lies in embedding analytics deeply into business processes at the point where decisions are made - by human beings. 

The human element is just as critical as technology and data in realising true value from analytics. This involves both individual and organisational considerations that become the bridge that help move from insights to action.  

Changing business landscape

Globalisation, advancing technology, talent shortages, regulatory change and geopolitical uncertainty are re-writing the future of business in Ireland. 

Changes in the business landscape are accelerating continually, and a constantly-changing business environment needs a new approach.  

Our clients are increasingly turning to us for advice and insights on how to manage risk, where to seek growth and how to integrate data analytics and technologies into their strategy and operations. 

Like us, they’re focused on driving innovation - not just in products and services, but in business models, too. It can be tempting for organisations to attempt to retrofit their people around large investments in technology, at EY we believe that people are always the first step. 

Maximise potential

Innovation is innately human, and involves an investment in people as well as technology. It’s essential to ensure the right diversity of skills and capabilities is present before any big investment decision is made.

We help clients understand how they can get the best value from their people. Through diverse, multidisciplinary teams from business strategy and technology, we co-create solutions with our clients that maximise people’s potential and drive efficiency.

Why EY?

We employ some of the country’s leading minds in AI, automation and analytics. Our expertise in emerging technologies, combined with our trusted business expertise and global innovation network put us in a unique position to cut through the noise and collaborate with our clients to create solutions that address their most pressing issues.

Our innovation offering in Ireland brings together our technological, strategic and sectoral expertise to deliver best-in-class solutions to our clients. 


This article outlines the benefits of merging the human element with technology and data to realise the full benefit of analytics.

About this article

By Eoin O'Reilly

EY Ireland Partner, Head of AI & Data

Passionate about innovation, data and AI.