Integrated Digital Planning
EY‘s Integrated Digital Planning solution is enabled by the latest technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud platforms, and is also supported by assets including VC Sync™, Working Capital Optimisation, Cognitive Automation and “Lights Out” Planning. By taking advantage of our experience, assets and advanced technologies, the Integrated Digital Planning solution can help align your planning and decision-making at strategic, operational and tactical levels, and allow you to react faster to rapid changes in the marketplace.
Supply-side Optimisation
A recent EY survey of procurement leaders indicated that more than half view digital as an immediate priority to enable cost savings, innovation, supply certainty and service. Supply-side success requires selecting the right suppliers with the right capabilities, engaged under the right commercial agreements to drive performance, and then actively managing this portfolio as the company and the supply base evolves. Our solution provides an end-to-end framework to deploy tailored processes and assets that will enable effective and efficient processes to optimise the supplier portfolio, manage commercial excellence, and conduct lights-out operations.
Smart Factory
Smart Factory is our people-centric solution for bringing together operations strategy, industrial Internet of Things (IoT), shopfloor operational excellence (OpEx) leading practices and analytics to drive sustainable performance improvement. Smart Factory can help you understand whether your practice standards are consistent from line to line, leverage manufacturing data to improve results, and check whether your digital strategy is translating into performance on the shopfloor. This solution combines our leading capabilities with the cloud-based EY Catalyst OpEx platform and our EY Smart Factory execution apps to help you gain insights and take the right actions toward.