Economic Eye Winter 2024 Forecast

Economic Eye provides an all-island economic forecast and commentary for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Produced by Dr. Loretta O’Sullivan, EY Ireland's Chief Economist, and the EY Economic Advisory team, the report offers insights into the current economic environment as well as an indication of what’s to come for businesses in a complex marketplace over the next 12-24 months.

This report discusses the economic outlook for 2024. Growth is being forecasted for the all-island economy, with various global and local factors at play. Key elements include monetary policy pivots, a decline in inflation, and warm labour markets.

Despite global headwinds, the resilient ROI and NI economies have the chance to foster future growth, leveraging workforce upskilling, new technologies, green initiatives and infrastructure investment to stay competitive and ensure societal prosperity.

For a detailed outlook and further understanding of these trends, we invite you to download the full report.

Seeds of opportunity: cultivating growth in the all-island economy

Economic Eye, Winter 2024 Forecast

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Seeds of opportunity: cultivating growth in the all-island economy

Economic Eye, Winter 2024 Forecast

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