
Renzo Petersen

Founder and Director, Natraplas

National Finalist in EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 Australia

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The group of businesses was borne from a belief in circular economy principles and sustainability. In 2019, business founder, Renzo Petersen, was so frustrated by the number of disposable plastic water bottles being disposed of in landfill that he was inspired to find a solution.

A trial of 100% compostable water bottles with a major miner rapidly evolved to a supply contract, and today Natraplas provides a broad range of both single-use and reusable biopolymer and plant fibre compostable products for food service, packaging and pallet wrapping.

The unique materials used in Natraplas products is made from sustainable feedstocks (agricultural crop waste or used cooking oil), adding value and diverting waste from landfill. All Natraplas products have passed rigorous independent testing and are fully certified as compostable and PFAS free.

The company is unique in that, in addition to supplying sustainable products, it provides a fully circular solution by offering environmentally friendly waste processing solutions for their products when they reach the end of their lifecycle. All of the company’s products, including cups, bin liners and pallet wrap, can be disposed of in a waste processing unit, the TDU20, developed by the sister company to Natraplas, Green Earth waste Solutions. The TDU20 is a compact, transportable unit that uses mechanically assisted anaerobic digestion and biogas cogeneration to convert organic and compostable biopolymer waste into liquid compost and green energy.

Renzo has built a diverse team that share his passion for finding local solutions to global problems, and earlier this year Natraplas announced that they have become proudly 50% indigenous owned.

In the Pilbara alone, Natraplas have stopped over 2,000 tonnes of single use plastic being sent to landfill and are now expanding to meet rapidly increasing demand for environmentally products as consumers and legislators shift to phasing out problematic single-use plastics.