EY Search Results

4,727 results


Discovery services

In Assurance

The diversity and dispersion of digital information continues to grow as the legal and regulatory environments become more challenging. From pre-litigation information management to post-matter data disposition, we offer managed services across the entire discovery life cycle.


International tax planning

In Tax

Our dedicated international tax professionals support you with the tax aspects and complexities of cross-border situations and transactions, including analysis, reporting and risk management.


Long-term value creation metrics

EY Long-term value teams can help you shape your strategy, drive transformation and measure progress in providing sustainable value through use of the WEF-IBC’s common metrics. EY leading role in developing the metrics means we’re uniquely placed to advise on their adoption and impact.


Finance Operations

EY teams bring you global resources, redefined processes and next-generation technology. We help you get more out of your finance function, driving greater visibility, enhanced compliance and data-driven decision-making — while positioning you to cut costs over time.


Service Organization Controls Reporting (SOCR)

Get an independent assessment of the business processes and controls in IT environment within a service organization.


EY ifb Packaged solutions for financial organizations

Implement standard software for financial and risk management systems more swiftly and efficiently with EY ifb Packaged Solutions. Learn more.


EY Cloud Risk View: cloud observability and controls monitoring

Simplify and streamline risk and controls management across your public cloud environment.


Investing in innovation

We help businesses innovate by helping them access sources of cash through grants, tax credits and fixed asset/cost segregation claims.


ISO 20022 payments services

The EY Payments team can help clients prepare for the migration to the new standard and unlock expanded opportunities from richer data.


Global Incentives, Innovation and Location Services

The COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty, global trade realignment and geopolitical disruption have created greater complexities for companies as they consider their global footprint, expanding in existing or new markets, development of new products or services and business transformation.

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