Good governance should not be confused with compliance. What truly matters to long-term value creation are purpose, stakeholder engagement and culture. If you get these right, the rest will follow.

Maria Kępa

EY EMEIA Assurance Director

Director in EY's UK audit practice and corporate governance team. Experience working with clients in media, mining and other sectors in Europe, America and the Middle East. Mother of two.

Maria is a Director in EY’s Audit practice and a member of the UK Corporate Governance Team. She joined an independent firm, providing a wide range of tax, valuation, financial advisory and related services in 2001 in Poland, and then subsequently re-located to EY London in 2004 and has worked in Dubai and Mexico.

Maria has over 15 years’ experience in assurance services across the Entertainment, Media and Mining sectors, including supporting listed audit clients on matters of corporate governance. She has managed numerous large projects, including the audit stream of a FTSE100 IPO and first year SOX implementation audits.

She was the Project Management Officer for phase 1 of the Embankment Project for Inclusive Capitalism (EPIC) and a key contributor to the Corporate Governance workstream of EPIC, developing the four dimensions framework featured in EPIC’s publication.

Maria regularly presents to Non-Executive Directors and management on matters of corporate governance, including new obligations relating to culture assessment and monitoring as well as reporting on stakeholder engagement.

How Maria is building a better working world

“I am building a better working world - when I am helping companies improve their governance processes and the quality and transparency of their reporting; when I am developing people who work with me by coaching, mentoring and challenging them with the right opportunities, and finally when I am safeguarding my work life balance so that I can be a good mother to my children.”

Maria Kępa

    Contact Maria