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How governments and businesses can work together to meet climate targets

In this episode, we’ll explore how we can align the cross-industry system to achieve milestone climate objectives. 

Earlier this year, the UK Government announced it will set the world’s most ambitious climate change target: to reduce emissions by 78% by 2035 as part of its sixth carbon budget. With governments across the world setting their own ambitious targets, episode 3 of the EV Y podcast explores what this means for the EV ecosystem across many different industries and how governments and businesses must collaborate to successfully achieve climate targets.

This episode features EY’s Charlie Simpson, UK&I Partner, and Head of Future Mobility, Ginny Buckley, Founder and CEO of, Douglas Johnson-Poensgen, Founder and CEO of Circulor, and fast growth guest Michael Hurwitz from ARRIVAL.

This episode explores:
  • The EV ecosystem and how we can align the cross-industry system to achieve milestone climate objectives to create a sustainable transport system.
  • Why businesses and governments need to consider the consumer point of view to achieve targets, and the fundamental changes related to EV ownership, around understanding the purchasing incentives, total cost of ownership, energy consumption, and charging logistics that consumers will need support on.
  • How supply chain and manufacturing feed into the EV ecosystem, and which approaches are necessary in integrated planning to achieve climate targets.

Learn more about the EV Y Podcast.
Read the transcript.

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Charlie Simpson – EY-Parthenon Strategy Partner – Head of Future Mobility

External presenters:
Ade Thomas – Founder, GreenTV & EV Summit
Ginny Buckley – Founder and CEO,
Douglas Johnson-Poensgen – Founder and CEO, Circulor
Michael Hurwitz – Director of Development, Mobility at ARRIVAL


Duration 54m 43s