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Global Mobility Forum

Join us for a discussion on the upcoming changes in Belgian tax legislation under the new federal government. Explore the key highlights of the federal and regional personal tax reform.

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EY Office Diegem, The Wings,

Kouterveldstraat 7B 001, 1831, Diegem, BE



your local time

How will the upcoming Belgian tax reform impact your business? As the formation of the new Belgian federal government is underway, significant changes in tax legislation are anticipated.

Join our seminar for a comprehensive understanding of the new tax laws and their potential impact on your business and employees.


  • the new federal and regional tax reform
  • the old special tax regime is buried: update on the success of new Belgian expat regime and new trends and alternatives
  • new insights based on the updated mobility reimagined survey
  • integrated Global Payroll Solution (IGPS)

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