Tax News

Midweek Tax News

A weekly update on tax matters to 10 December 2024

Midweek Tax News provides you with a succinct overview of the key tax developments that have occurred each week to allow you to stay up-to-date on tax issues that may have an impact on your business.

If you would like to discuss an article in more detail, please speak to the relevant contact listed at the end of this issue or to your usual EY contact. Alternatively, you can use our ‘contact us’ form. If you give us a brief description of your query (not just on this week’s content), we will send it to a relevant person in EY.

Other UK developments

Other international developments


Further information

If you would like to discuss any of the articles in this week's edition of Midweek Tax News, please contact the individuals listed below, Nicola Sullivan (+44 20 7951 8228) or your usual EY contact.

Council of the EU adopts new rules for withholding tax procedures (FASTER)
Paul Radcliffe (+44 20 7951 5816)
James Guthrie (+44 20 7951 4366)

Regulations laid to reverse charging notices issued by HMRC to companies which were affected by the EU State Aid investigation into the UK CFC group financing exemption
Amy Smith (+44 20 7951 7859)
Elyse Waller (+44 20 7951 4209)

For other queries or comments please email