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Meet EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® alum Mandy Rennehan.

Learn how shifted gears to support essential service workers when other businesses were forced to close.

Times of uncertainty encourage innovation.

The Entrepreneur Shift is a series of interviews that dives deeper into the pivots Canadian entrepreneurs have made while navigating COVID-19. Each episode, our host, Victoria McQueen, speaks with EY Entrepreneur Of The Year and EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ alumni to provide insight into the current and future climate of their industry.

Mandy Rennehan
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2016 & 2017 Ontario finalist, Real Estate/Construction Services
Freshco is a boutique, trend-setting retail facilities firm composed of three divisions: maintenance, projects and reconstruction. It offers customized, coast-to-coast first point of contact service across Canada and the eastern United States.

What fuels you?

Good people, giving back.

What are you most proud of?

Maintaining my East coast personality while enduring the pain behind true resiliency....and of course, watching women in the trades rise, moving the dial from 4-40%.

What has COVID-19 taught you personally and professionally?

Personally:  How much I love a cold beer at a bar watching sports.

Professionally:  Hang on tight and rebuild like a tsunami can hit at any moment.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year

Our commitment to Canada's entrepreneurs in unstoppable. Nominations for our 2021 program are now open.

Resources here

EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women

Recognizes ambitious women entrepreneurs and provides them with advice, resources and access to unlock their full potential.

Resources here

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