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Meet EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® alum Mark McAllister.

Learn how VeroSource Solutions Inc. shifted gears to develop a technology that supports a secure online portal for COVID‑19 test results.

Times of uncertainty encourage innovation.

The Entrepreneur Shift is a series of interviews that dives deeper into the pivots Canadian entrepreneurs have made while navigating COVID-19. Each episode, our host, Victoria McQueen, speaks with EY Entrepreneur Of The Year and EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ alumni to provide insight into the current and future climate of their industry.

Mark McAllister
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2019 Atlantic finalist, Emerging Entrepreneur

VeroSource Solutions Inc.
VeroSource Solutions Inc. is dedicated to improving the lives of its customers through data analysis and communications. With a specific focus on improving patient outcomes in the public health sector, VeroSource has developed a number of products aimed at increasing the efficiency of health care delivery on a large scale.

What fuels you?

I want to empower people and unlock the potential in Canadian health care. There are so many opportunities for improvements in our system, we can make a real difference in people’s lives.

What are you most proud of?

I am proud of the way the VeroSource team has stepped up during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the challenges of the new norm, new stress levels and the unknown, our team locked in and delivered impactful solutions in two provinces over just a few months.

What has COVID-19 taught you personally and professionally?

Personally:  I love my family and spending time with them, but there are limits. Getting to the office is a luxury.

Professionally:  The norm isn’t as important as we may have thought previously. Necessity has pushed us out of our comfort zones, and we have seen innovation that has been given a chance to flourish. I do not think we will go back to the way it was even when a vaccine is available.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year

Our commitment to Canada's entrepreneurs in unstoppable. Nominations for our 2021 program are now open.

Resources here

EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women

Recognizes ambitious women entrepreneurs and provides them with advice, resources and access to unlock their full potential.

Resources here

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