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BEPS 2.0 India perspective: a right step in the right direction
Under the existing law, different countries can impose different corporate tax rates on multinational companies. As a result, MNCs tend to locate lower tax jurisdictions (to minimize their tax burdens) and treat more (or all) of their profits as "sourced" to that country, bringing down their effective tax rate. This leads to increased tax revenues in countries with lower tax rates and decreased revenues in countries with higher rates. These tax strategies are called a "profit shifting" and result in "base erosion" in countries with higher corporate tax rates. India alone loses millions and billions of dollars in taxes annually owing to "global tax abuse" by MNCs. This led the international tax community to turn its attention to the problem of corporate tax avoidance. The other problem which faced the Governments was the fact that large MNEs were able to earn revenue in foreign markets with having a physical presence there. Under the current international tax rules, these foreign markets could not seek a claim on the tax revenue arising from the local engagement of foreign MNEs. In response, several countries (including many G20 countries) have imposed "digital services taxes" on the revenue (rather than profit) of major technology firms to recapture some of the lost tax revenue. However, both countries and MNCs see this system as inefficient. BEPS 2.0 OECD aims to solve this problem.