“We take our public interest role of promoting greater trust and confidence in businesses, capital markets and economies very seriously. This helps build a better working world.”

Shawn Falzon

EY Malta Assurance Leader and Partner

Assurance partner and lead for insurance. Hockey Enthusiast.

Shawn is a Partner in EY’s Assurance practice in Malta and has been working with EY since 2000.

With years of experience in the field and an auditor approved by the financial services regulator, he is authorised to audit insurance companies and insurance intermediaries accounts.

Shawn serves several public interest entities, high profile clients and is a Council Member of the Malta Institute of Accountants.

He is a Qualified Public Accountant and holds a bachelor’s in Accountancy and Management from the University of Malta.

How Shawn is building a better working world 

“High-quality audits strengthen trust and confidence in capital markets and facilitate economic growth. Maintaining the highest level of audit quality is our top priority. It is the single most important factor in our decision-making and the key measure of our professional reputation.”

Shawn's latest thinking

    Contact Shawn