Corporate governance lays the groundwork for effective management, serving as a vital cornerstone for businesses. It's important that companies continue to focus on creating value for the long term.

Martijn De Jong

Senior Manager, Assurance, Ernst & Young Actuarissen B.V.

Corporate governance professional. Positive, reliable and thorough. Helps audit teams and clients with corporate governance, non-financial information and long-term value creation.

Areas of focus

Martijn helps audit teams and clients with improving corporate governance and reporting non-financial information. Long-term value creation is the underlying theme.

He studied business economics and business administration and has a broad EY background. Starting as an accountant, he has many years of experience in advisory services and is now a corporate governance professional.

How Martijn is building a better working world

"Both the internal and external aspects of my role suit me. It's important to coordinate internally to ensure that the increasingly important themes of corporate governance and non-financial information receive adequate and proper attention in our audits. I also carry this message beyond EY, at our roundtable meetings with commissioners and on the editorial team of our magazines for directors and commissioners, as a researcher."

Martijn's latest thinking

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