Executive summary
On 9 February 2023, the Spanish Ministry of Finance published a Ministerial Order,1 which sets forth a new list of countries, territories and harmful tax regimes that will be considered as non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, in accordance with the reform introduced by the Anti-Tax Fraud Law in 2021.2
The list consists of 24 jurisdictions, 10 of which correspond to the countries and territories listed on the European Union (EU) List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions (last updated on 14 February 2023 – see EY Global Tax Alert, ECOFIN adopts revised list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, dated 15 February 2023). Notwithstanding, the Spanish list does not include jurisdictions which appear on the so-called "EU blacklist," while it includes jurisdictions listed on the "EU grey list’" Furthermore, the Spanish list includes two jurisdictions (Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago) that have a tax treaty in force with Spain.
This list is final and applicable as follows:
However, for any new non-cooperative jurisdictions not previously listed in the original Spanish list, the effects from their inclusion on the list will be postponed for a six-month period from the above referred dates.
Detailed discussion
The Spanish Anti-Tax Fraud Law introduced very significant changes to the Spanish list of tax haven jurisdictions (See EY Global Tax Alert, Spain approves Anti-Tax Fraud Law, dated 16 July 2021).
In particular, the term “tax haven” was replaced by “non-cooperative jurisdiction,” and was broadened to include not only States and territories, but also preferential tax regimes. For this purpose, the criteria to identify such non-cooperative jurisdictions were also expanded. However, the “blacklisted” jurisdictions remained the same until publication of a new list, to be prepared taking into account these new criteria.
As a result of these legislative changes, the Spanish Ministry of Finance has published a list of non-cooperative jurisdictions. This new list will determine the application to those jurisdictions of the anti-tax haven measures set forth in various tax laws and applicable with respect to the former list of "tax havens" (now called "non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes").
List of countries, territories and harmful tax regimes
The following countries and territories, as well as the following harmful tax regimes, have been included on the list: