What challenges are telco companies facing in 2024

In this episode of the EY Tech Connect podcast, we delve into key insights from industry leaders on top challenges and risks impacting telecommunications companies today.

In this episode of the EY Tech Connect podcast, we explore pressing challenges currently facing the telecommunications sector. Key topics include the effective management of data security and privacy, the importance of acquiring relevant talent, upskilling amid rapid technological advancements and the need to efficiently respond to consumer demands while remaining cost-conscious.

A walkthrough of the EY organization’s annual report on the top 10 risks in telecommunications uncovers the industry's current concerns, from underestimated changing imperatives and privacy to the need for new talent acquisition strategies to match the pace of technology developments. Emerging challenges like the sustainability agenda and harnessing the potential of new business models also take center stage in the discussions. Beyond merely identifying the risks, the conversation provides insightful strategies to mitigate them and highlights potential opportunities they might unlock. Wrapping up this insightful episode, we discuss upcoming trends and steps the industry needs to take to secure a profitable future.

Hear insights from:

  • Adrian Baschnonga, EY Global Technology, Media & Entertainment and Telecommunications (TMT) Lead
  • Tom Loozen, EY Global Telecommunications Leader
  • Krista Walpole, Global Telecommunications BMC Leader

Key takeaways: 

As telecom operators continue to navigate a complex and shifting global industry landscape, we examine the top 10 risks they face in 2024. Click below to review the EY rankings: https://www.ey.com/en_gl/insights/telecommunications/top-10-risks-for-telecommunications

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available.


Episode 12


0h 19m 19s