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Operational and strategic challenges
We expect the operational implications of FiDA to be significant. Banks must prepare for real-time data delivery, ensure consistency and quality, manage customer consent effectively, and comply with stringent IT security measures. Strategically, understanding the implications of data-sharing will be crucial, both in terms of the opportunities and competitive pressures that may arise.
Current preparedness among banks
Conversations with banking executives across Europe reveal a growing recognition of FiDA’s potential impact, which many believe will surpass that of concurrent regulatory changes such as the third Payment Services Directive (PSD3), the Payment Services Regulation (PSR) and the digital euro.
Our June 2024 survey EU payment survey reveals gaps in readiness regulations of leading European bank and payments service providers (PSPs) revealed that while 48% of respondents anticipated significant alterations to their business models due to FiDA, only 15% felt adequately prepared.
As awareness of FiDA’s implications increases, banks are scrambling to develop strategies, secure necessary investments and establish frameworks for financial data sharing. This includes drafting IT requirements and assembling internal and external teams to handle compliance and innovation.