EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can Help
Our tax and finance operate solution can help your business manage risk, realize value from data, drive innovation and improve efficiencies. Find out how.
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Upsides of co-sourcing
Transforming the tax and finance operating model to include some co-sourcing enables organizations to be nimbler in navigating tax risks, better manage costs and redirect their tax and finance resources to higher-value activities — all of which will help to strengthen the governance of the business.
By working with a provider to co-source multijurisdictional tax compliance and statutory reporting processes, companies can leverage the vendor’s substantial investments in the necessary talent, technology and data strategies to keep up with fast-changing tax legislation. In this way, companies could reduce their tax risk profile through increased transparency and control.
Co-sourcing may also help reduce overall tax costs and control unpredictable information technology expenses. This is even more pertinent as many companies are coming under cost pressures from the economic shock arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, respondents said it would take savings of 8% on average for them to consider having a third party operate select activities of their tax function.
A transformed tax and finance function also liberates in-house personnel from routine compliance tasks and allows them to focus on helping to plan and support the company’s overall business and capital agenda. They would be able to contribute more long-term value to the organization by bringing data-driven insights to bear on the wider business strategy.
In deciding how to transform the organization’s tax and finance function, the board has a critical role in steering the organization to assess which tax and finance activities to own and which to co-source. The aim is to find an approach that improves both effectiveness and efficiency for the business, while empowering in-house tax and finance professionals to become more of a strategic business partner.
The board should consider the following questions:
- Does the tax and finance function significantly contribute to the business strategy and priorities?
- Does the tax and finance function have a sustainable technology and data plan in place?
- Is the business benefiting from robust reporting and insights to improve visibility and management of tax and finance risk?
- What are the higher-value tax and finance activities to own and build in-house versus those that can be co-sourced and performed at lower costs?
- What is the right mix for building in-house talent versus acquiring capabilities through co-sourcing?