

The future of financial reporting for insurers

Accelerating demands for transparent financial reporting

Chief finance officers (CFOs) face increasing demands from stakeholders to provide trusted, timely and transparent financial reporting to communicate their organization’s progress in alignment with strategic priorities and to create long-term, sustainable value.

Among the key financial reporting standards that are driving the finance reporting transformation are the implementation of the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard 17 (MFRS 17) for insurance contracts and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S1 and S2 for sustainability and climate-related disclosures.

Effective implementation of new accounting standards will demand organizations to adopt new technologies to automate routine tasks in financial operations, and financial reporting and controls allowing higher focus on financial performance.

Increasing financial transparency demands are spurring CFOs to fast-track digitally driven finance transformation to optimize reporting efficiencies, including deeper and actionable analyses of financial performance.

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