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Read moreWhat should insurance companies be disclosing between now and the 2023 implementation date?
Companies are considering questions such as, when should they disclose information to the market, what should be in investor communications versus the financial statements and what does IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors require companies to include in the financial statements? The more complex the implementation, the later companies are tending to plan to make disclosures to the market. By the implementation date of January 2023, companies should know the main impacts, and therefore, would need to disclose them when they publish their 2022 annual financial statements. Insurance companies will also need to consider how to communicate the transition from their existing accounting policies, applied in 2022, to IFRS 17 from January 2023.
One area that may need further consideration is the interim reporting for 2023. Those companies further ahead in the implementation process have started producing pro-forma annual financial statements to understand what the financial statements will look like. However, many companies have not yet considered the interim financial statements that will be prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. Given that the 2023 interim financial statements will be the first financial statements issued under IFRS 17, companies should start to consider this.
What should insurance companies focus on in the months leading to the implementation date?
The key objective is to keep the implementation project moving as the deadline approaches and actual transition numbers need to be produced. Companies should, therefore, ensure that the whole business stays involved in the project. All companies, even those that started early, are still finding difficulties, and therefore, they need to keep momentum and focus on the project through to implementation. Planning early and securing resources will be important as a significant resource crunch is expected over the next 12–18 months.