EY refers to the Global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Redefining the insurance industry through digital transformation
We help build a digital NewCo based on simplicity, transparency and trust.
EY's strategists, digital professionals and actuaries collaborated in analyzing the market and the competition and determining the “sweet spot” for a digital offering. The team then developed the offering and a simplified product and tested it on consumers.
As part of the customer journey mapping and concept design, the team developed first-generation journey maps for each persona. We provided research and insight to better enable the insurer to identify the addressable market and opportunity for this new initiative by analyzing external market data across target demographics. The team also conducted product and consumer testing of proposed product attributes to inform the initial product build. Design recommendations and critical product specifications were based on direct consumer feedback.
We provided an initial view of the technology and CRM required for the new strategy and formulated a concept for the proposed product and launch plan considerations. The process also included:
- Opportunity analysis, partnership and suitability review
- Analyzed landscape of competitors and potential partnerships within the InsurTech space and evaluated best practices related to investment suitability
- Executive level business concept deck and launch plan
- Developed final executive-level deck summarizing findings and recommendations for the new product concept
- Provided launch plan considerations across marketing, technology, branding and organizational design
The digital enablers included digital strategy, use of the cloud and advanced analytics.