EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Hindrances to risk management and business partnering abilities
Risk management is the area that CEOs expect to implement the most changes over the next three years.1 Yet, the aforementioned law survey found that a large proportion of general counsels lack confidence in their department’s ability to identify, measure and handle the risks faced by their organization. More than half of the organizations report a lack of access to accurate and up-to-date information on their legal entities. This lack of transparency reduces the legal department’s visibility of the tax and corporate governance risks that its organization may be facing. Almost two-thirds say they do not have all the data and technology needed to respond to a data breach, highlighting exposure to cybersecurity, compliance and data privacy risks.
Furthermore, 92% of Singapore respondents in the law survey say they do not systematically track contractual obligations. Standardization in the contract creation process and monitoring of contracts for deviations from standard terms are also not the norm. Such process management gaps and the underuse of technology may limit the organization’s risk oversight and potentially create a wide range of risks that permeate corporate supply chains and client relationships.
As the prolonged effects of the pandemic continue to impact the global economy, a strong focus on enabling growth and eliminating any inefficiencies and barriers that may hinder revenue recognition or business opportunities is imperative. The law survey suggests there are opportunities for improvement in this area — an overwhelming 99% of business development leaders in Singapore note that inefficiencies in the contracting process have slowed revenue recognition, and a third report that these inefficiencies have actually resulted in lost business opportunities.
To support revenue growth, legal departments need to be aligned with their business partners. However, only 58% of general counsels in the law survey report that their department’s day-to-day work is aligned with the broader business strategy and 35% say their department is effective in adding value to the business. These findings, combined with those suggesting increasing workloads and time spent on routine tasks, reveal that many legal departments lack the bandwidth to support their business partners strategically because of day-to-day responsibilities.
These shortfalls in data, risk management and business partnering capabilities may result in a lack of requisite information for the board to effectively fulfill its risk oversight and governance responsibilities over strategic business decisions