Trust by Design

Trust by Design is an EY methodology that revolutionizes risk by instilling a risk optimization mind-set and embedding trust into services and products from the outset.

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Featured thinking

How do you teach AI the value of trust?

EY announces the first solution designed to help gauge impact and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence systems.

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Case Study
The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
Case Study

Creating a smarter, safer grid for new meters

EY teams are helping a national electricity company reinforce its legacy power infrastructure for a trusted, cyber-safe future.

Case Study
The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
Case Study

How many cyber-attack avenues lead directly to your customers’ homes?

The rollout of smart electricity meters promises more insight than ever before. But how should the risks be addressed to maintain consumer trust?

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Aerial View Illuminated City Night
Case Study
The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
Case Study

Assuring the full scope of risk

Cyber threat modeling helped the client understand the true nature of risk – and where it could come from.

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bridge city night light Norway
Case Study
The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
Case Study

Securing a data-centric future

A new data model for a new power & utilities paradigm.

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Engineer working behind computers control room

How boards can embed risk into strategic decision-making

Boards should assess their organizations’ approach to risk and ensure it is core to driving strategy.

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Global Information Security Survey

This year’s Global Information Security Survey reveals that many organizations continue to increase their spending on cybersecurity.

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