Cyber Incident Simulation - Is simply waiting for a security breach the right strategy?

Cyber attacks make headlines on a daily basis. It’s no longer a question of if your organization will be breached, or even when, it’s likely to have happened already. The real questions are: is your organization prepared to respond to a cyber incident?

Cyber incident simulation

Tom Schmidt, Marc Minar, Khaled Ouafi

May 2022


Number of pages: 

Document type: 
Two pager

How would you respond:

  1. Contacted by the regulator:  What are your obligations?
  2. Compromised email systems: How do you communicate?
  3. Media questions: What does your communication strategy look like?
  4. Compromised core application and loss of data integrity:  Do you know for how long your system has been compromised?
  5. Ransom demand (Ransomware): Will you pay?
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