Pursuant the M.D. D.15/D'/9801/30/01/2023 of Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, the upper limit of employees’ salary subject to social security contributions as well as the amount of social security contributions of freelancers and self-employed is readjusted from 01.01.2023 onwards.
The amendments are as follows:
Readjustment of the upper limit of employees’ salary subject to social security contributions as of 01.01.2023: The upper limit of employees’ salary for the calculation of social security contributions of employees and employers is increased from the amount of € 6,500 to the amount of € 7,126.94. Within the context of dependent employment (C.P. 101 providing for the employee a rate of social security contributions of 13.87% and for the employer a rate of 22.29% ) with a monthly gross salary equal or higher than € 7,126.94, the above amendment entails an additional monthly surcharge of € 227 (i.e. € 87 for the employee and € 139 for the employer).
Increase of Social Security contributions of freelancers and self employed from 01.01.2023:
As of 01.01.2023, the social security contributions of pension and health coverage of free lancers and self employed, covered by e-Ε.F.Κ.Α., are increased and formed on a monthly basis and for a 12 month period, as it is reflected in the table below: