
Setting a Strategy for Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)

Setting a strategy for Digital Public Infrastructure

Today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape has elevated the priorities of governments on digital public infrastructure (DPI). The urgent focus on DPI is catalyzed by the scale and scope of national digital transformation, which demand the optimization of opportunities in advancing sustainable innovation. 

Designing a comprehensive and robust DPI technology platform with governance frameworks, and public and private collaborations can boost Malaysia’s national development growth curve.

To-date, Malaysia's nascent DPI journey includes digital initiatives such as the development of MyDigitalID, DuitNow QR and recently, the Central Database Hub (PADU). For better system integration, there is scope for Malaysia to adopt a coordinated "whole of economy" approach with strategic alliances among stakeholder groups from private and public sectors, including government ministries and agencies.

Some key considerations in formulating DPI include:

  • Unifying national data standards for sourcing, storage, exchange, integration, security and privacy to address the fragmentation of data protocols.
  • Ensuring consultation with key stakeholders from the various sectors such as financial institutions to ensure the solutions meet industry requirements.
  • Introducing regulations and incentives to drive private sector participation and data sharing, with focus on the health and financial services sectors.
  • Enhancing the trust framework and cybersecurity protocols to build public trust and drive adoption.
The design of Digital Public Infrastructure should aim for a trusted and secure digital ecosystem, which facilitates interactions between individuals and businesses across markets and borders, driving sustainable economic growth, and reshaping both public and private sector activities for the better.

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