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3. We are seeing heavy collaboration among national tax authorities, coordinated by the OECD as a new phase of work
The implementation of the BEPS 2.0 rules has been the result of many consultations between tax authorities in the key developing and developed markets, together with the OECD. Tax administrators have learnt the value of such collaboration from previous projects and are putting that experience to good use by sharing approaches and leading practices. In Malaysia, greater collaboration and sharing of data among the various tax and regulatory bodies, will enable much richer and deeper sources of data that can be used holistically for various audit and enforcement activities.
In short, the future tax function must be ready to cope with increased demands resulting from the digital transformation of the tax authorities and new ways of doing business in a globalized economy. Taxpayers must look into their tax data and technology deployment strategies, to ensure that systems are fit-for-purpose, risks can be identified and addressed in a proactive manner and seamless integration can occur with the tax authorities’ systems where required. Technology adoption is no longer an option but a strategic differentiator for taxpayers.