SWIFT Customer Security Programme

In today's growing cybercrime, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) has introduced the SWIFT Customer Security Programme (CSP) version 2020 with the main focus on guiding member organizations to assess the status of SWIFT infrastructure cybersecurity and adhere to international standards. Thus, not only financial institutions, but also every client of SWIFT, will be required to undergo an independent assessment in support of their annual self-attestation of their compliance with the SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework as well as conducting a report, starting from 2021.

How to overcome the challenges while complying with SWIFT CSP is currently a growing concern of many businesses.

The upcoming webinar held by Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited (EY Vietnam) on SWIFT Customer Security Programme attempts to provide in-depth analysis of SWIFT CSP, which helps businesses get ready for its SWIFT CSP compliance. In addition, the webinar will also introduce new standards for evaluating the community as an independent third-party.


Webinar, Microsoft Teams,

EY Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, 700000, VN



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