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3. Closer look at cash pooling arrangements
Another area attracting increasing attention from Tax Authorities is cash pool arrangements. These arrangements, which involve the centralization and management of the group short-term working capital needs, often raise complex TP issues.
Tax Authorities are increasingly assessing the allocation of cash pool benefits and costs among participating entities. The key challenge lies in determining the appropriate reward for the cash pool leader (usually the entity managing the pool) and ensuring that the returns for participants reflect their contribution and risk exposure. Tax Authorities question whether the arrangements are structured and priced in a manner consistent with arm’s length principles, particularly concerning the management of liquidity risks and the allocation of cash pool synergies. There are increasingly challenging arrangements that lack clear economic rationale or where the expected benefits are not adequately demonstrated. Cash pools used in a structural way for middle/long-term financing are also more and more challenged.
4. Guarantee fees and financial guarantees
The pricing of intra-group guarantees, and the corresponding fees charged, are also under the microscope of Tax Authorities. They are increasingly concerned about whether the guaranteed fees charged within Multinationals Enterprises (MNEs) are consistent with the economic benefit provided by the guarantor. Authorities are questioning the need for such guarantees, the level of risk mitigation they provide, and whether the fees reflect what would have been charged by an independent guarantor.
This area has become a focal point, particularly considering Chapter X of OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, which emphasizes a thorough analysis of the commercial rationale and the value-added by guarantees.