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Even as these tools and resources are available, specific plans are needed for a given city or county on how to navigate this extensive menu of funding options. The absence of clarity poses a significant challenge for local governments, which often are not experts in handling the complexities of opioid use disorder (OUD) when determining where and how to direct these crucial resources. This lack of a flexible framework can hinder local governments that lack the expertise, access to data, and inputs from the community in their ability to deploy these dollars effectively to where they are needed most.
As city and county leaders look to prioritize strategies, answering a few questions can lay the foundation for success:
- Which of the approved strategies should a city or county consider — and just as important, not consider — based on the local situation, capabilities and available resources?
- What key county or city objectives would be met by prioritizing a specific strategy? What are the trade-offs on prioritizing the strategy?
- What impact would the strategy and supporting initiatives have to address the current needs of the community?
In the whitepaper below we describe tactical steps to developing a straightforward framework for cities and counties that accelerates the use of opioid abatement funds to addressing this critical public health issue.