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Benefits for sponsors around using a solution that facilitates expedited and reliable payments to sites
Clinical trial sites that leverage this solution experience heightened confidence about working with pharma.
The ASPIREs program enabled Bayer and its clinical trial site partners to drive an expedient, streamlined clinical trial process. Among the improvements seen in nearly 20 countries around the world, Bayer’s average cycle time for payment to sites dropped from 43 days to less than 32 days. As such, the company was able to easily meet its payment date obligations, provide an automated view into outstanding payments, and increase the satisfaction of HCP and clinical trial site management. By reducing the administrative burden around payment processes, Bayer was able to pay sites more quickly and reliably.
These results highlight significant efficiencies in the Europe and Asia-Pacific regions, with improvements in process in several countries that have complex requirements and regulations, as discussed above.
- 2,600+ sites and HCPs enrolled in the ASPIREs program for automated payments
- 13,000+ payments made to sites/HCPs successfully so far across the 18 international countries
- < 4.0% average rate of invoice issues among thousands of quarterly payments
- 71% less time spent supporting payment processes
- 58% less time spent performing invoice or payment dispute resolution activities
- 50% less time spent tracking site payments
Calculations as stated above represent the global country expansion, which does not include the US. The calculations of US site payment program efficiencies are documented in the US Case Study here.