Domestic tax quarterly webcast series: a focus on state tax matters

Panelists from EY’s Indirect Tax practice discuss important state tax policy developments, as well as federal tax developments that could affect state and local taxes.
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For our second quarterly webcast in 2023, please join our panel to discuss important state tax policy developments, as well as international tax policy developments that could affect state and local taxes.

Topics will include:

  • Potential US state and local tax implications of the OECD’s Model Rules for new global minimum taxes under Pillar Two of the BEPS 2.0 project
  • State income tax considerations of credits enacted under the federal Inflation Reduction Act
  • An update on state fiscal conditions
  • Highlights from the 2023 state legislative sessions
  • Other state tax policy considerations, including non-legislative developments

Please join us for this 90-minute, interactive webcast. We welcome and encourage you to ask questions.


  • Keith Anderson, Indirect, State and Local Tax, Ernst & Young LLP, Dallas, TX
  • Rebecca Bertothy, Indirect, State and Local Tax, Ernst & Young LLP, Washington, DC
  • Jess Morgan, Indirect, State and Local Tax, Ernst & Young LLP, Cleveland, OH
  • Scott Roberti, Indirect, State and Local Tax Policy Services Leader, Ernst & Young LLP, Stamford, CT
  • David Sawyer, Indirect, State and Local Tax, Ernst & Young LLP, Atlanta, GA
  • Brian Smith, EY Global/Americas Location Investment, Credits & Incentives Leader; Indirect, State and Local Tax, Ernst & Young LLP, Phoenix, AZ


  • Karen Currie, Leader, State Income Tax, Ernst & Young LLP, Dallas, TX

EY webcast managed and produced by Ernst & Young LLP’s Tax Technical Knowledge Services Group, Washington, DC: Lynn Fairfax


CPE credits: 1.8


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