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Increased revenues, mitigated risk and simplified compliance – that’s what today’s governments seek. The EY-Microsoft Alliance is leading the way.

In brief
  • The EY-Microsoft Alliance bridges the gap between now and next by bringing together people, governance, technology and data.
  • For governments, digital tax transformation is more urgent than ever before.

Legacy systems leave tax authorities behind – and leave them exposed to fraud, which costs trillions of US dollars each year. Pandemic recovery packages are only exacerbating this issue by exposing weaknesses in economic infrastructure – inaccurate and inefficiently distributed stimulus checks is just one such example.

A new approach is necessary to not only address these problems but to improve the relationship between taxpayers and tax authorities, one which empowers governments to better serve their communities and operate with greater resilience.

The EY-Microsoft Alliance bridges the gap between now and next by bringing together people, governance, technology, and data.

Reducing fiscal friction


Remaining efficient and competitive at both the local and global levels require reducing administrative liabilities.


Moving to e-invoicing, re-useable digital public goods or managing the volume of carbon taxes can help reduce needless administrative and systemic friction.


But implementing the necessary tools and technology demands perspective and know-how.


Demonstrated experience. Accelerated outcomes.


The EY-Microsoft Alliance offers governments a unique, proven approach to digital transformation.


Much like having a medical procedure, where you look for a doctor who has actual experience successfully doing what you need done, that’s what clients get with the EY-Microsoft Alliance.


Clients benefit from having EY on the tax side of transformation, bolstered by Microsoft technology.


Governments need proven experience on both sides of the equation. That’s why tax administrations have sought this synthesis of support. With each successive engagement, the alliance has progressively increased the speed of transformation, which translates into time saved for our clients.


The EY-Microsoft Alliance brings iterative experience and understanding to every client while developing strategy – and supported by the right technology – all tailored to individual transformation needs and implemented at the right pace.


Transforming from the inside out


As governments realign their tax administrations to the needs of tomorrow, a vision for a new public finance ecosystem begins to take shape.


In this predictive, taxpayer-centric environment, authorities can prioritize the social outcomes of public spending, resulting in improved social services, modern infrastructure, and environmental sustainability.


That reality must be built on transparency, accountability, and trust, all centered on the social contract between taxpayers and government.


A focus on what lies ahead


The EY-Microsoft Alliance can help bring the future of tax into focus while navigating the demands of today.

The EY-Microsoft Alliance

Tax transformation can be daunting. The EY-Microsoft Alliance makes it easier, iteration after iteration.


No matter the transformation goals – or where you are along the way – the EY-Microsoft Alliance has the experience and technology to help create a better working world.

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