EY Affordable Care Act Compliance Services

ACA compliance requires more than a technology platform that can produce forms. EY professionals will assist your business with complex Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance requirements.
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Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance reporting is becoming increasingly complex. The end of the IRS good faith waiver for accuracy-related penalties means employers may need to take additional care to create accurate forms consistent with their organizational structure, health care plans and workforce.

Employers who wait until year-end and simply file the forms produced by their technology platform without carefully reviewing their data may run a greater risk of financial penalties, organizational disruptions (chaos) and reduced internal credibility.

An ACA compliance vendor must not only create and file forms, but they should also be forward-looking collaborators that can help businesses evaluate data, identify employee-level inconsistencies between ERP systems, help resolve data problems in a timely manner, and anticipate upcoming regulatory changes.

What we can do for you

EY ACA Compliance Services offers a high-touch service model. We provide each client with a dedicated team of ACA subject-matter professionals who can help your business meet the evolving ACA compliance requirements and adapt nimbly to changes that are almost certain to come. Our team includes experienced benefits managers, certified public accountants, and data analysts who can help you simplify your ACA reporting process, saving time and money and reduce compliance stress.

The EY difference: a comprehensive ACA approach to IRS reporting

In addition to reporting, we can also help companies understand the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment (ESRP) penalty notices they receive for Internal Revenue Code section 4980H(a) and/or (b) penalties. Our team can help determine how to respond appropriately and suggest options for abating these assessments.

Through a careful preliminary evaluation of your ACA system and experiences, your EY team can help identify process gaps or weaknesses and suggest ways to better manage current and future requirements.

Managing notices from the marketplace

Are you set up for ACA compliance success?

  • Have you received an IRS transmission acknowledgment report and taken action to contact employees regarding their and their dependent’s name/TIN mismatches?
  • Does your service provider identify employee-specific data inconsistencies between your ESRP systems and provide guidance on how to correct them?
  • Does your service provider prepare and transmit your responses to IRS ESRP notices, saving the time and expense of engaging additional third-party advisors?
  • Does your service provider review your data throughout the year so that any corrections can be made in advance of when the ACA forms are issued?
  • Has your service provider shared legislative insights and discussed the potential impact on your business?
  • Does your service provider assist with employee communications, taking into consideration how the communicated issue may affect the employee(s) personally and the potential impact on the organization so that productivity is not negatively impacted?

The Affordable Care Act — Meeting employers’ ACA compliance and IRS controversy needs

ACA compliance requires more than a technology platform for producing forms

Documents related to application for health insurance
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