Quantification and reporting methodology
We have measured and reported our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) using the following guidelines, protocols, conversion factors and global warming potential (GWP) values:
- HM Government Environmental Reporting Guidelines: Including streamlined energy and carbon reporting guidance, March 2019 (Updated Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2).
- WRI / WBSCD The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition), March 2004.
- WRI / WBSCD The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, September 2011.
- UK Government Conversion Factors for Company Reporting (Year: 2024, Expiry: 11/06/2025, Version 1.10 - DESNZ / DEFRA.
- WRI / WBSCD The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Scope 2 Guidance, An amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, 2015.
- Antithesis: Estimating Energy Consumption & GHG Emissions for Remote Workers Whitepaper, February 2021.
- IEA 50: Emissions Factors 2023 ─ Annual GHG emission factors for World countries from electricity and heat generation (September 2023).
- Annual GHG emission factors for World countries from electricity and heat generation.
- Commuting mode share (%) for car, public transport and active from the OECD.
- Springer: The impact of urban form on commuting in large Chinese cities.
Whilst we have used the GHG Protocol Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard (see iv above), we are not yet able to report on all relevant categories. However, we have reported on those which we believe to be most material to our overall environmental impacts and carbon footprint.
The Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 implement the government’s policy on Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR). The EY organisation is required to comply with mandatory greenhouse gas reporting requirements under the SECR policy, ensuring that all relevant emissions sources required under such legislation have been included in this report and that our reporting is consistent with the relevant requirements.
Organisational boundary
We have used the financial control approach to identify the GHG emissions for which we have responsibility. The boundaries of our reported emissions are aligned to those of the financial disclosure of EY UK. This comprises all locations operating in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Channel Islands (except where noted as an exclusion).
This alignment is effective as of FY20, instigated by the requirement to comply with The Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018, specifically pertaining to annual energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and related information. These regulations implement the UK government’s policy on SECR, requiring large LLPs (as defined in sections 465 and 466 of the Companies Act 2006) to prepare and file energy and carbon information in accounts and reports via an ‘Energy and Carbon Report’. As such, emissions reporting is now aligned with that of our financial disclosures.
The emissions of Ernst & Young Global Services LLP are not included, because it is a separate legal entity and does not contribute to the financial disclosures of EY LLP. Data also does not include any activities of the Republic of Ireland firm for the same reasons.
Operational scopes
We have measured our Scopes 1, 2 and significant Scope 3 emissions.
Geographical breakdown
We report all locations outlined in the organisational boundary as a collective total.
Base year
In compliance with the regulatory requirements of the UK's Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Guidelines, the scope of our emissions reporting is aligned to that of EY UK’s financial disclosure. We have set our baseline year as FY20 to provide a fixed base year from which we will measure both our absolute and normalised performance going forward.
We will recalculate all emissions from the base year to the reporting year in the event that either:
- changes occur which meet the recommended recalculation criteria outlined in Environmental Reporting Guidelines: Including streamlined energy and carbon reporting guidance, March 2019', Chapter 1 - Step 5 - Action ii, or
- changes occur which equate to or exceed a 5% deviation (positive or negative) from previously calculated data.