EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
EY and COVID-19
As part of our commitment to increase access to education, we collaborate with MENTOR, the unifying champion for quality youth mentoring in the United States. Gerry Dixon, EY Managing Partner, East Region Accounts and Business Development, and Nancy Altobello, retired EY Global Vice Chair, Talent, serve on MENTOR’s national Board of Directors. Nancy also serves as the Board Chair. We also sponsor the annual MENTOR conference, bringing together champions of youth mentoring from the private, public and nonprofit sectors to share leading practices and develop a shared viewpoint about the best paths forward.
EY and CFES Brilliant Pathways
To implement the program, Ernst & Young LLP (EY) collaborates with CFES Brilliant Pathways, a not-for-profit organization committed to raising the academic aspirations of underserved youth, so that they can prepare for, gain access to and succeed in college. Over the last 25+ years, CFES Brilliant Pathways has helped thousands of underserved youth in 800 schools nationwide strengthen their academic performance, graduate from high school and go on to college.
CFES Brilliant Pathways provides a wealth of experience in curriculum development and a network of university relationships. Together, EY and CFES Brilliant Pathways identify the young people who need the most support and work to deliver EY College MAP directly to them.