The EY-Microsoft Alliance

Tech and tax come together to solve the great ESG data dilemma

Distilling ESG data to drive decisions

No matter your transformation goals, the great ESG data challenge will affect your journey.

The EY-Microsoft Alliance can help you navigate this data challenge while implementing sustainable change within your organization and the world.

As a business leader, you know all too well that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. That thing is data.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data is no exception and has resulted in the great ESG data dilemma. The abundance of information easily leads to paralysis, inhibiting your organization from making decisions that move your company forward. Compounding the great ESG data dilemma are new and pending ESG regulations. These expand the requirements for managing compliance and technical reporting and where you go to get your data.

When dealing with terabytes of data, simplicity is key. That’s why it’s absolutely vital to use existing reporting processes — like tax and finance data capture — to your advantage. Taking an ecosystem approach to your existing data opens a host of possibilities. It’s a true win / win.

Organizations need to think through new approaches to storing and accessing the data needed to meet all of these new ESG requirements. This makes it all the more important to ensure that you have the right people, systems and processes to bring it all together.

Addressing these demands takes an ecosystem approach. EY — together with Microsoft — can future-proof your organization, making it adaptable to whatever new sustainability reporting and compliance requirements arise. That’s because we understand the great ESG data dilemma so we are designing technology to help manage the reporting and identifying opportunities.

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Navigating beyond now and into what’s next

No matter your transformation goal, the EY-Microsoft Alliance can help you overcome the challenges before you and effect real, sustainable change in your organization and the world.

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