Workforce transformation

As the financial services workforce evolves, so must your approach. EY People Advisory Services helps keep your strategy centered on humans.
EY Employees looking through window

It pays to put workers first 

The most successful companies know that their workers are their X factor. Recruit and hire well, keep workers engaged, and streamline your organization for adaptation and collaboration and you’re golden.

It sounds simple, but it’s far from easy. So, how exactly do you do all of that? What are the future workplace trends for financial services companies? What do these new ways of working mean for tax, payroll and regulatory compliance? How can you win the competition for technology talent while slowing worker turnover and attrition? And how do you manage major work transformations?

We can help you balance the needs of your business with the needs of your people.

Our latest thinking

How can reimagined mobility help organizations see reward and not risk?

Unlock insights from the EY 2023 Mobility Reimagined Survey showing workforce mobility’s reality doesn’t always live up to potential. Read more.

4 keys to understanding Gen Z: trust is the new loyalty

The oldest members of Gen Z are starting their careers. Learning the whys behind who they are can help you integrate them successfully. Read more.

How to transform your organization in turbulent times

When turbulence is the new normal, organizations need to balance short-term action with long-term strategy. Learn how to transform amid economic headwinds.

Liz Fealy + 3

The Board Imperative: Further unlock the strategic value of CHROs

Find out how boards and Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) should support and challenge each other to get the most out of a shifting talent dynamic.

How do you harness the power of people to double transformation success?

Read about how EY and the University of Oxford explored the emotional cost of failed transformations and what it takes to get them right.

How financial institutions can attract and retain talent with ESG initiatives

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments have become increasingly important for financial institutions to impress employees. Learn more.

    We can help you with:

    EY People Advisory Services professionals can help you transform and succeed by putting humans at the center of your integrated business strategy.