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In other words, both “camps” are aligned on the need to make the difficult decisions and trade-offs needed to protect and grow long-term value. At the same time, however, 64% of the respondents to this survey say, “We face short-term earnings pressure from investors, which impedes our longer-term investments in sustainability.”
The quality of engagement between boards, management and investors is a critical factor in addressing this tension, particularly in terms of reporting. The Corporate Reporting Survey also found that 80% of investors feel “too many companies fail to properly articulate the rationale for long-term investments in sustainability.” This indicates a pressing governance need to improve corporate narratives and help leaders more effectively make the case for a company’s strategy for long-term value.
Of course, an effective external narrative depends on the organization itself being aligned on the balance between necessary short-term optimization and long-term value. The research finds that there has been a significant uptick in the number of company leaders who feel that there are differences of opinion within the leadership team on balancing short-term performance with longer-term sustainability plays.