How blockchain enables technology to flourish and improve resilience

This episode of “Better Innovation,” Global Tax Innovation Leader and host Jeff Saviano interviews Sandra Ro, CEO of the Global Blockchain Business Council, and one Jeff’s favorite collaborators in the innovative technology community.
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This week, we’re thrilled to speak with Sandra Ro, CEO of the Global Blockchain Business Council, and one Jeff’s favorite collaborators in the innovative technology community. Sandra’s positive influence in the blockchain community is significantly helping this potent technology flourish and illuminating how people and organizations can improve their resiliency.

As we watch digitalization flourish and accelerate at an unprecedented speed fueled by the pandemic, there is an acute need for better data management across old and new networks. This surely includes improved data privacy and security, smart government regulation, and mass education of the many participants in these new innovative technology systems. Sandra discusses how blockchain could be of the highest utility to the world within the healthcare sector; notably, to improve access to health records, and vastly improve the patient experience.

Join Sandra and Jeff as they discuss the many dimensions of this transformative technology.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. 


Episode 3


0h 49m 48s