EY OpsChain Contract Manager

EY OpsChain Contract Manager (OCM) helps organizations run procurement activities using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain network.

EY OCM reduces the complexity created by extended business networks, fragmented IT systems and variable procurement agreements.

Shot of two businesswomen shaking hands in a modern office

Streamline contract management

EY OCM simplifies and automates contract management, reducing inefficiencies and intermediaries.

Reduce value loss

EY OCM enforces contract compliance, preventing financial losses from procurement discrepancies.

Improve transparency and trust

Tamper-proof records are facilitated on a public blockchain so transactions are recorded in a trustworthy manner.

OCM start with a template

Easy to implement design

EY OpsChain Contract Manager runs through an API that makes it easy to configure and manage smart contract providers.  Firms can set up customized user-interfaces that allow them to configure standard pre-built contracting models. The first set of pre-built models cover Power Purchase Agreements for renewables.

Privacy-enhanced technology

Implement the power of zero-knowledge-proof methodology to build in critical contract terms, transaction details, and value chain confidential information remain shielded, granting enhanced privacy even on public blockchains.

Seamless integration

Facilitate effortless interoperability with a diverse range of external systems, from ERP and CRM to IoT devices, helping every transaction seamlessly flow through the EY OCM, bridging the gap between contractual obligations and real-world execution.

Real-time monitoring

Automatically validate contract terms with real-time checks, monitor policy adherence, and receive instant alerts on discrepancies, so transactions that are not compliant with the contract terms do not pass through.

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Request a demo today

To find out how EY OCM can help transform your contract management processes, contact a member of our team for a free demonstration.