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Regulatory reporting: Now, next and beyond

In this brief, we highlight five key areas of focus of regulatory reporting and how EY can help develop strategies to handle what comes next.

The regulatory reform agenda has continued to evolve since the 2008 global financial crisis and has significantly changed how financial institutions are supervised and regulated. Changing regulations have imposed heavy burdens on the financial services industry as companies must continually redesign, implement and sustain complex processes. The COVID-19 pandemic is set to alter the global economy again — and with it, the way financial services firms operate. As firms assess their operating models in the pandemic, they’ve identified areas ripe for increased efficiency, particularly improving the data quality and accuracy necessary for management and regulatory decision-making.

This brief focuses on the following five key areas of regulatory reporting and details how EY can help develop strategies to handle what comes next:

  1. Innovation and efficiency
  2. Data strategy and analytics
  3. Optimizing the operating model
  4. Managed services
  5. New and evolving regulations and requirements

Download the full brief

The author would like to thank Abhishek Tiwari, Alberto Rosello, Jenny Chan, Joshua Wilkinson, Sarah Sy, Emily Zhou, Chris Cardwell, Jonathan Gilbert, Gregory Cannella, Lindsay Fortnum, Aditi Sodhi, Sonal Singh and Shaun Elwell for their contributions to this brief.


Regulatory reporting has continued to evolve and COVID-19 global pandemic has brought additional challenges with more frequent reporting and increased volume. Firms are looking to invest in automation, analytical capabilities and technologies to support ever-changing regulatory reporting and industry trends. Learn how EY can support CFOs move away from manual processes, re-think operating models, increase efficiency through innovative technologies and use data analytics to not only comply with higher regulatory expectations, but also optimize operational and financial processes for sustainability and drive better decision-making.