A Team of Mountaineers Climbing a mountain with safety ropes working as a team

What audit committees need to know to prepare for 2023

This webcast explored top-of-mind issues for audit committees heading into 2023, including:

  • The macroeconomic outlook. Find out what’s expected from a global macroeconomic perspective, including how recessionary and inflationary pressures are impacting consumer demand, how the labor markets are shifting and what these key economic variables will mean for businesses broadly.
  • A view from Washington, DC. Hear insights about the latest public policy and regulatory developments, including a discussion of midterm election results and related implications to businesses.
  • Tax developments. Learn about the impacts and opportunities presented by recent tax developments, including high-level accounting and disclosure considerations.
  • Financial reporting. Get up to date on current and emerging financial reporting and regulatory developments, including key takeaways from the 2022 AICPA conference on current SEC and PCAOB developments and other important year-end reminders and considerations.
  • Risk management issues. Gather insight into the top risks for 2023 and other top-of-mind challenges facing risk leaders and internal audit functions, including how internal audit should be responding to emerging risks.

The discussion was moderated by Patrick Niemann, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP, and Americas Leader of the EY Audit Committee Forum.

Panelists included:

  • Karen Dynan, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Angela Evans, EY Americas Co-director of Tax Accounting and Risk Advisory Services
  • John Hudson, Principal, Enterprise Risk Consulting, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Kristi Kennedy, Director, Office of Public Policy, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Heather Rosenberger, Managing Director, National Professional Practice, Ernst & Young LLP

What we heard from the audience


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